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Upcoming Membership Year: 
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025

Annual Dues for Principal Member: $250
Annual Dues for Additional Member: $175
Annual Dues for Mid-Year Members (Jan. 1 or later): $175

Pay by check: Send check (made payable to "STARR") to STARR Treasurer, Shannon Warnecke. Email Please include the name of your institution on the check.


Pay with Credit/Debit

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by email or via our social media channels.

Membership Guidelines


  1. Members must work out of their homes.

  2. Admissions must be the member's primary profession.

  3. Members' residences must be in the Metro St. Louis area.

  4. Members or their institutions must be members of either the Missouri Association for College Admission Counseling (MOACAC) or the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC).


Annual STARR Objectives


  • Assist high school and independent counselors in educating high school students about post-secondary opportunities through programs and informational sessions

  • Provide guidance and support for new regional representatives and each other

  • Serve as a resource to colleges and universities considering the creation of a regional representative position

  • Facilitate the promotion of members through print/electronic materials, membership website and outreach opportunities




STARR Bylaws




The name of this organization is STARR (St Louis Area Regional Representatives).




The members of this organization are admissions representatives from universities and colleges around the country who live in the St. Louis area and whose recruitment territory includes the St. Louis area.  The organization’s objectives are the following:


  1. To assist each other in counseling students for post-secondary study.

  2. To assist high school counselors through programs and informal sessions in the educating of high school students about post-secondary opportunities.

  3. To provide support to new regional representatives.

  4. To offer guidance to colleges/universities that are considering adding a regional representative.




Membership Guidelines include the following:


  1. Members must work out of their homes.

  2. Admissions must be the member’s primary profession.

  3. Members’ residences must be in the greater St. Louis area.

  4. Members or their institutions must be members of either the Missouri Association for College Admission Counseling or National Association for College Admission Counseling


Persons meeting three of the four membership guidelines will be allowed to appeal for membership into STARR.  Points to consider are as follows:


  1. An appeal does not guarantee membership into STARR

  2. An appeal needs to consist of the following:

    • Why the applicant believes he or she should be considered for membership into STARR.

    • Which three of the four guidelines the applicant meets.

    • The applicant’s travel territory.

    •  How much recruitment time is spent in the St. Louis area.

  3. The applicant must submit a letter of appeal to the STARR Executive Board for review.

  4. The STARR Executive Board will carefully evaluate each appeal and will grant or deny membership based on the appeal information. (Every effort will be made to have the appeal evaluated and the applicant notified within 3 weeks of receiving all of the above information.)




Dues will be paid annually and will be used to support programs for counselors, publications, and professional development workshops.


  1. Annual dues shall be determined by the STARR Executive Board with the approval of membership.  Participation in STARR is dependent upon the payment of dues.  Statements for the succeeding year shall be mailed out as soon after June 1 as possible.  Dues shall cover the fiscal year of August 1 – July 31. 

    • Dues must be received by August 15 to be listed in publications and website

  2. Dues Structure

    1. Full Members – The primary member of any institution planning to attend the annual counselor reception is considered a Full Member.  Full members are:

      • Listed on the STARR website (includes picture, contact information and link to university website)

      • Listed on Annual Counselor Reception Save the Date, Event Invitation & Final Confirmation with one university fact selected by each member

      • Listed on MOACAC spring conference sponsorship in St. Louis

      • Expected to attend three annual lunch meetings (August, January and May)

    2. Secondary Members – Any additional regional representative added by a college/university once the Full Member requirement is satisfied is considered a Secondary Member.   Secondary members are:

      • Listed on the STARR website (includes picture, contact information and link to university website)

      • Listed on Annual Counselor Reception Save the Date, Event Invitation & Final Confirmation with one university fact selected by each member

      • Listed on MOACAC spring conference sponsorship in St. Louis

      • Expected to attend three annual lunch meetings (August, January and May)

    3. Mid-year Members - Any regional representative wishing to join STARR mid-year must meet the following requirements ​​​

      • Meet membership guidelines​

      • Join STARR after January 1

      • Be a new member

      • Agree to pay the secondary member rate




The STARR Executive Board is comprised of – Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Technology & Publications Chair, and Membership Chair.


The following officers are elected every other year as follows: Chairperson and Secretary will be elected every odd year.  Treasurer, Technology & Publications Chair, and Membership Chair every even year.  Elections will be held during the spring meeting (May).  Members must be present to vote.




  1. The STARR Chairperson shall:

    • Preside at all STARR Membership meetings

    • Preside over Executive Board meetings (held prior to membership meetings)

    • Serve as the point of contact for individuals interested in STARR membership

    • Appoint members for special duties or committees

    • Conduct the STARR survey of its membership at least every even year, to provide membership and potential member colleges/universities with the results of the comparative information

  2. The Treasurer shall:

    • Collect all dues and pay all bills

    • Keep all financial records

    • Keep STARR Chair and Membership Chair updated on individual dues paid

    • Make annual recommendation to the Executive Board regarding membership dues and budget

    • Prepare the Annual Budget to present at the fall membership meeting (August)

    • Serve as the State’s Registered Agent for the organization

    • File the proper annual paperwork to the State of Missouri

    • Be authorized to sign checks   (Checking account must list at least 2 executive board officers)

    • Contributes to coordinate all student events.

  3. The Secretary shall:

    • Assist the STARR Chairperson

    • Take minutes of all meetings and handle all correspondence

    • Provide the minutes of the last meeting to new members

    • Coordinate any Counselor Events

    • Contributes to coordinate all student events.

  4. The Technology & Publications Chair shall:

    • Oversee all STARR publication needs

    • Update website and web communication

    • Maintain the membership database

    • Contributes to coordinate all student events.

  5. The Membership Chair shall:

    • Collect membership forms and record said information

    • Work with Technology & Publications Chair to format member information for publications

    • Other responsibilities as the position is defined

    • Contributes to coordinate all student events.

  6. All STARR Officers are to keep records and a timeline to be passed on to their respective successor.




STARR officers are elected in the spring to a two-year term of service.  Each office is required to have an “Officer Transition Meeting” before the first Executive Board meeting of an election year.  During this meeting, all files and records will be turned over to the newly-elected officer.




If an officer resigns or leaves the organization during his or her term of office, the remaining members of the Executive Board will appoint a current STARR member to complete said officer’s term.  Should the STARR Chairperson need to resign, the Executive Board will appoint a member who has served as an officer to finish out the Chairperson’s term.




Regular membership meetings will be held throughout the year both virtually and in-person excluding January and June-July to accommodate seasonal members and large breaks. There must a majority of the current membership present to enact new by-laws, change basic policy or elect officers.

  1. The new fiscal year’s budget will be presented for approval at the annual fall meeting

  2. Dues are to be discussed and approved at the annual spring meeting

  3. Election of officers will be held at the annual spring meeting

  4. Only current individual members can participate in annual STARR events and meetings




STARR subscribes to the Statement of Principles of Good Practices of NACAC




These By-Laws may be amended at any of the regular meetings of STARR by a vote of two-thirds of the voting members attending, providing that a notice of any proposed amendment has been sent to each voting member at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting.

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